Taking soybean oil as raw material, the vehicle of soy ink ( polymerized soybean oil) was synthesized by heat polymerization under vacuum technics. 以大豆油为原料,通过真空负压工艺下的热聚合反应合成大豆油墨连接料&大豆聚合油。
The basic solution polymer on new brand ( Y837V) of solution polymerized butadiene-styrene rubber was synthesized in the pilot plant, and filled aromatic oil. 在中试装置上合成出高乙烯基溶聚丁苯橡胶新牌号Y837V基础胶,并填充芳烃油。
The PVC paste blending resin is a kind of suspension polymerized resin with spheric particle morphology, high apparent density and low oil absorption. 聚氯乙烯糊用掺混树脂是一种颗粒外观球形化、表观密度较高、吸油率低的悬浮聚合树脂。
Tribological Behavior of Modified Cu Nanoparticle to Polymerized Alpha Olefin Synthetics Oil 修饰的纳米铜粒子在聚α烯烃合成油中的摩擦学性能